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NIS 2: Friend or Foe? Make GRC Your Ally

The EU NIS 2 Directive is sparking heated debates across the European Union. Is its scope too wide, burdening small businesses or is it a necessary shield against evolving cyber threats? Are strict incident reporting requirements essential or do they create unnecessary burdens for minor incidents? Does the high cost of compliance stifle innovation or is it a critical investment in security?


No matter where you stand on these arguments, one thing is clear: GRC (governance, risk and compliance) can be your powerful ally in navigating the NIS 2 landscape. Let's explore how.


Addressing the Scope Challenge

If you're concerned about the broad scope of NIS 2, particularly as a small business, GRC can help you identify and prioritize your most critical assets and vulnerabilities. Automated risk assessment tools can streamline this process, ensuring you focus your resources where they matter most.


On the other hand, if you believe the wide scope is necessary, GRC can empower you to monitor and secure a broader range of systems and processes. Cloud-based security solutions offer scalability and flexibility, adapting to your evolving needs as threats emerge.


Streamlining Incident Reporting

Whether you see strict incident reporting as essential or burdensome, GRC can make the process more efficient. Automated incident response platforms can help you detect, analyze, and report incidents quickly and accurately. This reduces the manual effort required and ensures compliance with NIS 2 requirements.


In addition, machine learning algorithms can help you filter out false positives and focus on genuine threats, easing the burden of reporting minor incidents.


Balancing Cost and Innovation

If you're worried about the high cost of compliance hindering innovation, consider that GRC can drive cost savings in the long run. By automating security processes, you can reduce the need for manual intervention, freeing up resources for innovation.


Moreover, cloud-based security solutions often offer lower total cost of ownership. By eliminating the overhead of technical resources and assets, they're more affordable for smaller businesses. This allows you to invest in security without breaking the bank, leaving room for innovation and growth.


Leveraging GRC

The EU NIS 2 Directive may be polarizing, but GRC offers solutions for both sides of the debate. Whether you're a small business concerned about the scope, struggling with incident reporting, or worried about the cost of compliance, GRC can help you overcome these challenges.


By embracing innovative solutions, you can not only comply with NIS 2 but also enhance your overall security posture and drive innovation. Instead of viewing NIS 2 as a burden, consider it an opportunity to leverage GRC for a safer and more resilient future.


For more information on the EU NIS 2 Directive, read the Gartner® report “Quick Answer: How to Effectively Prepare for NIS 2,” compliments of Archer for a limited time.


We also encourage you to speak with one of our experts to explore how Archer can support you in initiating or advancing your operational resilience program.



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