David Vose
VP, Risk Management
David Vose is Vice President for Risk Management at Archer. He is responsible for bringing quantitative risk management capabilities to Archer in order to create a fully integrated risk management system. David also advises on the training and deliverables of Archer’s professional services team for risk management.
Prior to joining Archer in 2021, David was an independent risk analysis consultant for over thirty years, specialising in the quantification of risk. He has consulted in a very wide range of fields and problems using risk analysis techniques to help organisations make more informed decisions in the face of risk and uncertainty.
David has published three books and over twenty peer-reviewed scientific papers. His textbook Risk Analysis is widely considered the leading text of its field. David is one of the most influential practitioners in risk analysis from developing and popularising statistical methods and modelling techniques to the authoring of international guidelines. He has lectured in post-graduate courses at around a dozen universities including Harvard, provided over 200 professional development courses in more than thirty countries, and appeared as expert witness in several federal and international court cases.
David is British and based in Belgium.